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How to publish your meet to LiveMeets.

1.  Check to make sure your PC has an active connection to the internet.  One simple way to do this is to use your browser to access the THSPA website at www.thspa.us.  If your internet browser can reach the THSPA website then so should LiveMeets.

2.  Run PowerScore if it's not already running.

3.  On the Registration tab, highlight the meet you want to send to LiveMeets.  Click the Live Meets button.  This will bring up the Live Meets screen.


4.  On the LiveMeets screen, click the button labeled Post your meet to LiveMeets now.  PowerScore will begin sending your meet to LiveMeets while listing out the steps as it progresses.  All boy's divisions in your meet will be sent to LiveMeets at THSPA.  Any girl's meets will be sent to LiveMeets on the THSWPA website.  Normally the publishing process shouldn't take more than 20-30 seconds, more or less depending on the speed of your internet connection.  If you receive an error message during the publishing process simply try again.  If it fails another time or two then you will need to check your internet connection.  If you continue to have trouble then call Sandhill Software at 806-891-3313 for assistance.


5.  Click the Exit button to return to PowerScore.

6.  After the meet has been pushed out it can take as long as 2 minutes for the results to hit the website.  People who are viewing the LiveMeet results from their smartphone, tablet or PC will need to click their Refresh button to receive the updated results.